January 4, 2011 in Posts,Writing with 0 Comments

What if Moses had never been placed in the basket? Or received the 10 Commandments? What would have happened if Moses never approached the burning bush? Wouldn’t his life have been far safer? Far more predictable? Far more suburban? I mean, how bad can it be leading sheep? But we know how the story goes, don’t we? Moses approached the burning bush and his life was never the same.
I’m working on a new book called God in 3D: Seeing God at Work in Your Life and the World around You. If you’d like to read the whole chapter, you can just click the link on the next page and download it for free. I’d love your comments and feedback.
Idea Contest! Got an Idea? Sell It to Me in 30 Seconds!
January 3, 2011 in Creativity,Posts,Writing with 2 Comments
Tell me your best idea pitch! Good ideas and bad ideas included! What was the creative process you went through? How did you prepare? Were you successful? What did you learn? What did you learn about pitching ideas? Scan the article below and tell me about the best idea you ever pitched. The Top 3 Ideas (and/or comments) win a Free Copy of my book, The Longing: Embracing the Deepest Truth of Who You Are. (This idea contest will end on Wednesday, January 15, 2011.)
A friend of mine in Chicago sent me this great article that recently appeared in Saturday’s New York Times. This interview with Catherine Winder on Vision at Rainmaker Entertainment offers a challenging perspective on pitching ideas, creative leadership and the creative process. Winder challenges creatives and executives alike…
Continue Reading…
January 1, 2011 in Posts with 4 Comments
Today is January 1, 2011 and I just got back from a wonderful walk along the beach in San Clemente with my wife and 3 of my four children. The tide was low, excellent for finding these little gems of sea glass. Worn and battered and softened by the raging California rainstorms of the past couple weeks, sea glass has always been a perfect metaphor for God’s work in my life. Even those worthless things discarded and now deemed useless are jewels in the eye of the Beholder.
New Year’s Eve 2010: Looking Forward & Looking Back
September 14, 2010 in Posts with 0 Comments
Happy 2011,
As I’m working on my new website on this final day of 2010, I’m reminded of how much I love to look forward and backward. Looking back at 2010, I can see many of God’s blessings. One of my prayers in 2010 was, “Lord, helpful not to be a forgetful follower.”
Tags: blessing, faithfulness, following, God, Israelites, prayer, spiritual life, thanksgiving
Seeds Fine Arts Exhibits
Slingshot Group
The Grove Center for the Arts & Media
Wayne Forte-Visual Artist
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